
Food Categories we Supply

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Cereals Sea Foods /
Farm Products
Processed Fruits /
Rice Meat/fresh beef Posho Cabbage, Tomatoes, Onions Washing Soap
Beans in varieties Silver fish Cassava and Millet flour Matooke Firewood
Ground nuts Fresh Milk Cooking Oils and Fat Water melon Charcoal
Maize Grain Fresh/Dry fish Wheat/Baking Flour Pineapples Other fuels
Coffee bean Sugar Powdered Milk Carrots Car tyres
Blue band / Pasta Curry powder Bogoya/Sweet Banana Construction Uniforms
Chicken and Eggs Spaghetti and Bread PPEs
Tea and coffee

After providing solutions/supplies to our clients, we offer ‘after service services’ in form of counselling and advisory services and support. This helps them in storage, handling and using the recommended solutions on a case-by-case basis